After School Programs

Stiles Point, James Island & Harbor View Elementary Schools

After School Programs 

James Island Presbyterian Foundation


The James Island Presbyterian Foundation (JIPF) provides an after-school program for children in K-5 to 5th grades attending Stiles Point (SPE), James Island (JIE) or Harbor View (HVE) elementary schools.


Children are transported to our campus from SPE and HVE by either fifteen (15) or thirty (30) passenger buses operated by the JIPF. Students from JIE are transported to our campus by First Student Bus Services.


The typical after school program schedule for students from these elementary schools is as follows:


2:20 – 2:30 PM Bus Pick-Up at School
2:40 – 2:45 PM Bus Arrival at the ASP
2:45 – 3:15 PM Circle Time, Snacks, Announcements
3:15 – 4:30 PM Homework Room or Indoor/Outside Recreation
4:30 – 6:00 PM Indoor or Outside Recreation, Clean-Up


The fee for the after school program for students attending these schools is as follows:l


$93.00/week first child
$85.00/week second child


Registration Fee $85.00/annual


Extended childcare service is also available from 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM on days when the Charleston County School District is closed for teacher in-service, workdays and holidays.


The weekly fee listed above is for a full week (5 days) of after school program care and transportation. This amount is payable every week during the school year except for days or weeks the Charleston County School District is closed due to in-service days, workdays or holidays. We do not provide ‘drop-in’ or ‘occasional’ childcare service. School closings will result in a proportional reduction for each day the public schools are closed, and your child does not attend our after-school program. Fee adjustments may also be made if the schools are closed for extended holiday periods, teacher in-service days, etc. and your child does attend the extended childcare program and/or holiday day camps we provide.


Please note our after-school program closes promptly at 6:00 PM. Parents/guardians who pick-up their child (ren) after the regular closing time will be charged a late fee of $1.00/minute per child.


Payment may be made online at  Select “Pay Online”.   Please note that your payment is for after school.


Questions regarding your account may be directed to Mrs. Katie Ard (795-3137; ).


Payment for after school care is expected on the first day of the week. After school care will be discontinued for families whose accounts are more than two (2) weeks behind in payment.


Thank you for your attention to these payment expectations.


Mrs. Louise Hatton-Conway
Executive Director
James Island Presbyterian Foundation

Mrs. Katie Ard
Director of Children’s Services
James Island Presbyterian Foundation